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Pantry Pests

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Professional Pantry Pest Control Winnipeg MB

What does the classification “pantry pest” entail? The classification is utilized in reference to a group of insect species known for invading home pantries. Why do pantry pests invade pantries? There is one main reason why pantry pests invade homes. This main reason is to access pantry food. There comes a time when insects are tasked with finding food for survival when the main source in their natural habitat runs dry. It is unfortunate, but overpopulation, disease, human expansion, and poor weather conditions can lead to food shortages. Impacted insects must find new food sources and find them fast.

Insect species that meet the criteria to be classified a pantry pests include the following:

The cockroach, weevil, ant, centipede, fly, mouse, rat, and cicada may also be classified as pantry pests. These insect species infiltrate homes through exterior-to-interior openings. Once a home is infested with pantry pests, the only solution is professional pest control.

What Is Included In The Pantry Pest Diet?

The pantry pest diet consists of pretty much any food stored in the home’s pantry. Flour, meal, crackers, cornstarch, spices, dried cereal, nuts, cookies, candy, powdered milk, dry pasta, and bread. Some pantry pest species feed on tobacco products – smokeless and smoking.

Some pantry pest species feed on birdseed, rodent bait, and dried pet food.

Why Are Pantry Pests Infiltrating My Winnipeg Home?

It cannot be stressed enough pantry pests generally have one goal in mind when infiltrating homes. This goal is to gain access to a supply of pantry food. If your home has been infiltrated by pantry pests, you may be concerned about foodborne illnesses. This condition is generally the result of contaminated food. In this case, the food is contaminated by fecal urine and feces and other contaminants carried in on the pantry pest’s body.

Not all species of pantry pests have been linked to foodborne illnesses. However, rodents, such as the rat and mouse, and insect species like the cockroach, fly, and ant has been linked to such conditions. Foodborne illness symptoms may develop with a few hours of consuming the contaminated food. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, stomachache, nausea, and sometimes, a low-grade fever.

Identifying The Three Most Common Pantry Pest Species:

Indian Meal Moth

The “Plodia interpunctella” is a small, multi-colored species of pantry pest. The colors are in layers, beginning with a deep dark red, which is followed by tan, and another layer of deep dark red with black speckles. The colors have a coppery luster. The abdomen is an off-white or light gray color.

The forewings span down the insect’s thorax and back. After home infiltration, the mature Indian meal moth larvae spin what scientists have deemed a “cocoon”. The cocoon protects the larvae when transitioning into a pupa, the life cycle phase situated between larva and adult. Larvae cocoons can be found hanging from various surfaces in rooms away from the kitchen.

Indian meal moths only ingest food in the larvae life cycle phase.

Saw-Toothed Grain Beetle

The “Oryzaephilus surinamensis” is a small pantry pest species that grows up to 1/10 of an inch in length. The insect’s most unique feature is the saw-toothed projections that protrude from the right and left sides of the thorax. The brown, flat, and slender body allow the insect to infiltrate homes through access points in a damaged window and door frames, garage door seals, and crawlspace vents.

Saw-toothed grain beetles in the adult and larvae life cycle phases ingest food.

Cigarette Beetle “Tobacco Beetle”

The “Lasioderma serricorne” grows up to 1/8 of an inch in length. The insect’s most unique physical characteristic is a humpback. Yes, the insect appears to have a humpback. The head and wings are covered with a thin shell-like material that is glossy. Instead of a glossy appearance, the insect is covered with fine fur that appears to be “fuzzy”.

The insect varies between dark brown and reddish/brown, with three sets of legs and two antennas.

The cigarette beetle has not been linked to life-threatening human illnesses. However, experts do not recommend ingesting food contaminated by the pantry pest. These nuisance insects can be found in pantries, feeding on food stored in vulnerable packaging and containers.

Exploring The Signs Of A Pantry Pest Infestation

Pantry pests are just about everywhere, including Winnipeg, Manitoba. For people living in areas where pantry pests are problematic, it is crucial to be familiar with the common signs of an infestation. Not all pantry pests reproduce indoors, but this does not mean they will not cause an infestation, following home infiltration.

When a pantry pest infiltrates a residential establishment, there is always the risk of an infestation. As previously mentioned, not all species of pantry pest breed after home infiltration. Even so, there is the risk of an infestation. How is this possible? A pantry pest utilizes access points to infiltrate homes. These are the same access points utilized by various insect species, including other pantry pests.

Signs of a pantry pest species to be on the lookout for include:

  • Live pantry pests in kitchens, dining rooms, and other rooms, where pantry foods are stored
  • Fecal droppings in pantries, on countertops, and other food-contaminated surfaces
  • Moths hovering low over food in pantries
  • Damaged food packages and containers
  • Exposed pantry food contaminated with live insects

Are Pantry Pests Linked To Foodborne Illnesses?

Some pantry pest species do cause foodborne illnesses. The primary three pantry pestscigarette and saw-toothed grain beetles, and Indian meal moths – are believed to not cause foodborne illnesses. However, entomologists encourage Winnipeg residents to dispose of all pantry food products contaminated by the aforementioned pest species. It is crucial to protect yourself and your family from the risk of foodborne illness, regardless of the insect culprit.

What Is The Most Effective Pantry Pest Management Solution?

Our professional pest management is specifically designed to target pantry pests and other insect species. We combine several treatments with routine inspections to achieve full eradication of pantry pests in as little as two treatments. We believe a custom pest management solution is more effective when dealing with pantry pest species.

A custom pest control treatment is based on evidence collected during the initial inspection. To learn more, do not hesitate to reach out to our Winnipeg pest control experts. Be sure to inquire about our free pantry pest inspection, consultation, and written quotes.

How You Can Help Our Pantry Pest Experts?

  • We recommend transitioning from manufacturing food packages to glass, ceramic, or stainless-steel storage containers
  • Develop a routine for removing household waste from your home to an outdoor trash bin
  • Routinely inspect your homes for signs of a pantry pest infiltration
  • Wash and air dry all food storage containers between each refill
  • Never utilize outdated pantry foods

If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.

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